how to write a project brief.

Company Profile: Who is your client?

Before diving into the details of the project, you should explain who this project is being created for. In other words, who is your client? Be clear and indicate these essentials:

o What is the client’s company name?
o What does their product/service focus on?
o What are the main features of their product/service?
o What is the company’s mission and vision?
o What does their brand stand for?
o Who are their competitors?

Project Description: What is the project about?

Give an overview of the project by defining the what and the why.

o Describe what this project is about. Are you redesigning a website? Building a new product?
o Define who will be in charge of the different processes your team is responsible for on this project.
o What are some of the critical details and requirements the client mentioned?
o Find out why your client is tackling this project. Understanding what motivated them to get the ball rolling will help you identify potential roadblocks in the project.

Quick Tip: Meeting the project requirements plays a large role in measuring the project’s success. Having detailed information about the project and your client’s profile will help the whole team understand their individual expectations in meeting these requirements.